About Quotas and Query complexity
About Quotas and Query complexity
Quotas and query complexity are powerful ways to limit and restrict what users can do in ClickHouse.
Quotas do apply restrictions within the context of a time interval, while query complexity applies regardless of time intervals.
This KB article shows examples on how to apply these two different approaches.
The sample data
We refer to this simple sample table for the purpose of these examples:
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE TABLE default.test_table (name String, age UInt8) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY tuple();
-- CREATE TABLE default.test_table
-- (
-- `name` String,
-- `age` UInt8
-- )
-- ENGINE = MergeTree
-- ORDER BY tuple()
-- Query id: 4fd405db-a96e-4004-b1f6-e7f87def05d7
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.313 sec.
clickhouse-cloud :) INSERT INTO default.test_table SELECT * FROM generateRandom('name String, age UInt8',1,1) LIMIT 100;
-- INSERT INTO default.test_table SELECT *
-- FROM generateRandom('name String, age UInt8', 1, 1)
-- LIMIT 100
-- Query id: 6eccfdc6-d98c-4377-ae25-f18deec6c807
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.055 sec.
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM default.test_table_00006488 LIMIT 5
-- FROM default.test_table_00006488
-- LIMIT 5
-- Query id: 9fa58419-fb57-4260-886a-ccb836449f58
-- ┌─name─┬─age─┐
-- │ │ 200 │
-- │ 4 │ 72 │
-- │ + │ 127 │
-- │ │ 144 │
-- │ ] │ 60 │
-- └──────┴─────┘
-- 5 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.
Using Quotas
In this example we create a role to which we'll apply a Quota that allows only 10 result rows to be retrieved for each 10 seconds interval:
# AS the privileged user
# create a user
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE USER user_with_quota IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Dr6P1S8SGaQ@u!BUAnv';
-- CREATE USER user_with_quota IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_hash BY '2444E98ADA7433FC12F55C467D3564BF87F47B1A996E70D77496A2F1E42BAD73' SALT '129F92F8AB4AB6E56A01AA826D10D1239F14148606E197EB19D7612F8AF8BC52'
-- Query id: 542a4013-e34c-4776-b374-962fcfd2575a
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.097 sec.
# create a role to which quotas will be applied
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE ROLE role_with_quota
-- CREATE ROLE role_with_quota
-- Query id: 133a843b-8619-4642-84d9-9c232539b6a0
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.096 sec.
-- grant select privileges
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_quota;
-- GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_quota
-- Query id: 1b0e295e-597d-477f-8847-13411157fd1c
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.100 sec.
-- grant role to the user
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT role_with_quota TO user_with_quota
-- GRANT role_with_quota TO user_with_quota
-- Query id: 0e19ff50-8990-4c17-8f91-5c8ce4142bdd
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.099 sec.
-- create a quota that allows max 10 result rows in each 10 seconds interval and apply that to the role
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE QUOTA quota_max_10_result_rows_per_10_seconds FOR INTERVAL 10 second MAX result_rows = 10 TO role_with_quota
-- CREATE QUOTA quota_max_10_result_rows_per_10_seconds FOR INTERVAL 10 second MAX result_rows = 10 TO role_with_quota
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 23.427 sec.
-- Query id: fe4d2038-2d35-415d-89ec-9eaaa2533fcd
Now login as the user user_with_quota
-- login as the user where quota is applied through the role
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user()
-- SELECT user()
-- Query id: 56ebd28d-0d36-4caf-9cef-c3e51d9f0b9d
-- ┌─currentUser()───┐
-- │ user_with_quota │
-- └─────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
-- list grants
clickhouse-cloud :) SHOW GRANTS
-- Query id: cc78bada-28f4-4862-9fdf-7e68aae6fd80
-- ┌─GRANTS───────────────────────────────────┐
-- │ GRANT role_with_quota TO user_with_quota │
-- └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- check the timem
clickhouse-cloud :) select now()
-- SELECT now()
-- Query id: bbbd54a8-6c2f-4d3b-982a-03d7bd143aa9
-- ┌───────────────now()─┐
-- │ 2023-10-25 14:37:38 │
-- └─────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- query ten rows
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM test_table LIMIT 10
-- FROM test_table
-- LIMIT 10
-- Query id: 20f1c02f-c938-4d06-851d-824c82693eb9
-- ┌─name─┬─age─┐
-- │ │ 200 │
-- │ 4 │ 72 │
-- │ + │ 127 │
-- │ │ 144 │
-- │ ] │ 60 │
-- │ │ 137 │
-- │ │ 176 │
-- │ │ 147 │
-- │ │ 107 │
-- │ Q │ 128 │
-- └──────┴─────┘
-- 10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
-- attempt to get another row within the 10 seconds interval since the last query
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM test_table LIMIT 1
-- FROM test_table
-- LIMIT 1
-- Query id: 48ae46ef-7b33-4765-affa-e47e889f48e5
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.094 sec.
-- Received exception from server (version 23.8.1):
-- Code: 201. DB::Exception: Received from dxqjx1s5lt.eu-west-1.aws.clickhouse.cloud:9440. DB::Exception: Quota for user `user_with_quota` for 10s has been exceeded: result_rows = 11/10.
-- Interval will end at 2023-10-25 14:37:50. Name of quota template: `quota_max_10_result_rows_per_10_seconds`. (QUOTA_EXCEEDED)
-- check the time
clickhouse-cloud :) select now()
-- SELECT now()
-- Query id: 87f190f6-3f75-4fe6-bf9c-c80ed88e179f
-- ┌────────── ─────now()─┐
-- │ 2023-10-25 14:37:45 │
-- └─────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
Note that the user will need to wait another 5 seconds before can get a new 10 rows resultset "allowance".
Using Query Complexity
In this example we create a role to which we'll apply a Query Complexity SETTING
that allows only 1 rows to be returned for each query.
-- AS the privileged user
-- create a user
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE USER user_with_query_complexity IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'Dr6P1S8SGaQ@u!BUAnv';
-- CREATE USER user_with_query_complexity IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_hash BY '99AB4976077304554286C43AA47C3BEDA5758EF56282C2FC90C0787DC6FE72BC' SALT '5A50D2B9B1DF7E8A1AA9A2CC00BCF802B7F605281A09E18E237447509B5C7A7C'
-- Query id: 91856182-f2bb-40cc-8902-2786beeeb93d
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.104 sec.
-- create a role with query complexity SETTINGS that allows only one role in resultset
clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE ROLE role_with_query_complexity SETTINGS max_result_rows=1;
-- CREATE ROLE role_with_query_complexity SETTINGS max_result_rows = 1
-- Query id: ec3d89fe-cab8-4cc3-9180-da5c93519643
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.097 sec.
-- grant select privileges
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_query_complexity;
-- GRANT SELECT ON default.* TO role_with_query_complexity
-- Query id: 230774ad-8073-4e2e-9530-3e90bce41cb1
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.097 sec.
-- grant role to the user
clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT role_with_query_complexity TO user_with_query_complexity
-- GRANT role_with_query_complexity TO user_with_query_complexity
-- Query id: f28c7c7b-61f7-48a8-a281-1f3784764b47
-- Ok.
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.096 sec.
Now login as the user user_with_query_complexity
-- login as the user where query complexity is applied through the role
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user();
-- SELECT user()
-- Query id: 196c91fc-abff-464d-acce-6af961c233a3
-- ┌─currentUser()──────────────┐
-- │ user_with_query_complexity │
-- └────────────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- list grants
clickhouse-cloud :) SHOW GRANTS
-- Query id: 87657b99-c3d9-4ffd-90e8-488f04f7f93b
-- ┌─GRANTS─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
-- │ GRANT role_with_query_complexity TO user_with_query_complexity │
-- └────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
-- attempt to query with 1 row in resultset
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM default.test_table LIMIT 1;
-- FROM default.test_table
-- LIMIT 1
-- Query id: 7266891b-8611-4342-81b0-fe04766e62fa
-- ┌─name─┬─age─┐
-- │ │ 200 │
-- └──────┴─────┘
-- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
-- attempt to query with more than 1 row in resultset
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM default.test_table LIMIT 2;
-- FROM default.test_table
-- LIMIT 2
-- Query id: ec8ecff3-f731-45bd-bb27-894ba358c7c8
-- 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.091 sec.
--Received exception from server (version 23.8.1):
--Code: 396. DB::Exception: Received from dxqjx1s5lt.eu-west-1.aws.clickhouse.cloud:9440.
--DB::Exception: Limit for result exceeded, max rows: 1.00, current rows: 2.00. (TOO_MANY_ROWS_OR_BYTES)
Whenever attempting to get more than 1 row in resultset the query complexity constraint will kick in.